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Friday, June 01, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
28 DTG !!

***No commnets ****
Another name in the mix is Shreyas a.k.a Shrey. Sounds like a rapper! But his grandma (p) likes it. She also like Saurab an Siddhart.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
35 DTG!

Mommy is in an ultra-nesting phase now. We already have the car seat, baby monitor, crib and several toys ready! The 'hospital bag' is almost ready and of course there are plenty of onesies and diapers.
NAMES: Several considered
Shulin Shiva
Suren Indra
Shrey .... Marevellous
Surya .... sun (Shubi and I liked this name but it is hard to pronounce!!)
Salil .... Water
Savar .... Lord Shiva
Suvan .... The sun
Sujay ... Good Victory (My choicest name since Feb 07)
Sujit .... Winner
Sulek .... Sun
Salil .... Water
Shaurya . ... valor (Mom and Grand-mom's choicest name today
Thursday, April 19, 2007
42 DTG!!

Mommy is not exactly 'dancing' these days. False contractions seems to be the norm :-(
Thursday, April 12, 2007
49 DTG!!!

I had to look up Cankles:: It is when your legs are so fat that you cant tell where your calves end and your ankles begin.
Fortunately Shubi is yet to experience this joy!
Friday, April 06, 2007
Tatu_30 Minutes vs Tiesto (aliendj remix) ऎंड James Brown
I feeeeeel goood
Thursday, April 05, 2007
56 DTG!

We are headed to Indy for a baby shower this weekend (April 6-9th). Braxton-Hicks contractions are more frequent, but the 'Child Preparedness classes' have been a source of assurance for us both.
Braxton Hicks' contractions, also known as false labour (British English, false labor in American English) or practice contractions. Braxton Hicks are sporadic uterine contractions that actually start at about 6 weeks, although one will not feel them that early. Most women start feeling them during the second or third trimester of pregnancy. It is a tightening of the uterine muscles for one to two minutes and is thought to be an aid to the body in its preparation for birth. Not all expectant mothers have these contractions. They are thought to be part of the process of effacement, the thinning and dilation of the cervix.
Braxton Hicks are named after the English doctor who first described them. In 1872, John Braxton Hicks investigated the latter stages of pregnancy and noted that many women felt contractions without being near birth. This process was usually painless but caused women confusion as to whether or not they were going into actual labour. It has since been found that Braxton Hicks' contractions are much less noticeable during exercise, whereas real contractions are not.
Dehydration is thought to be a contributing factor in extended Braxton Hicks contractions.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
63 days to go!

The "kicks" are certainly increasing in frequency. We had to rush to the ER due to Braxton Hicks contractions alarm on March 19th .....
"Claw away little one you'll be ripe in about 6 weeks ;-)"
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
76 days to go!

Seems like there is a lot of stress on her back.
Sujay agrees!