Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Suraj: The Relays

Warm Up
Jog to the benches at the south end
Return jog with 20 thigh high, 20 butt kick and side run/skips

Neck Rolls
Trunk twists
Arm circles
Groin Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
Toe touch (-in legs apart position lower back and hamstring)
Quad stretch
Calf stretch
Two teams of 6 people
Walk down to the river trail

4 man ball toss (stand at least 3 yards apart)while the remaining run up the hill to the warm up bench and back
-until all finish the run (Penalty for dropped balls)
6 Triple downs(Everyone Count loudly):
-Push Ups
-Sit Ups
-Star Jumps
Frog jump over your partner up the hill and sprint back
------PENALTY for the team placing 2nd + dropped balls------
Hold a plank (straight bridge) for 2 min, while team#1 counts/monitors/joins

Indian Run toward the north end parking lot (8 lb Medicine ball).
Getting back to the starting point:
-Roll the medicine ball sprint up to it, 8 push ups
-Another teammate rolls the ball, reverse sprint up to it, 8 shoulder presses
-Another teammate rolls the ball, bear walk toward the ball, 25 flutter licks
-Another teammate rolls the ball, side run/skip toward the ball, 8 push ups
-Another Roll the ball, side run/skip (opposite direction to above), 8 shoulder presses
-Another teammate rolls the ball, crawl toward (no touching the ground -mountain climber style) the ball, 25 flutter licks
**REPEAT until we reach the second tree on the left**
Indian run back to the starting point (River trail across from the River Set Parking lot)
------PENALTY for the team placing 2nd--------
Stand 5 yards apart in two lines (of 3); throw medicine ball 50 times, while team#1 counts
Team #1 prepares for the cone runs

Wheel barrow run toward the north end parking lot (in pairs)
-Partners switch and change direction every 50 (hand) steps x2
Team Cone Runs (Square shape)
-Line up with your fastest to slowest runner
Run up the hill and back (4 times) throwing medicine ball to your partners
-Do not take a step with the ball in hand (could incur a penalty)
-Dropped balls will also count as penalty
40 Hindu Push Ups (count loudly)
25 kick backs each

------PENALTY for the team placing 2nd--------
Side planks, hold 1 min each side; while team #1 counts/monitors/joins; helps put things away