Friday, May 14, 2010

BootCamp: Week4 - Day5

Friday Relays:
5am warm up jog

2 teams of 4

From the river tail run up the hill x2
Toss the medicine ball x30 between the foursome
5 Triple downs:
5 Push ups, 5Star Jumps, 5 Sit Ups
4 PU, 4 SJ, 4 SU
Frog Jump Up the hill to the lot

Indian Run up to half point of the North River Run
Medicine ball throw and run + 5 Push Ups

To the River Trail
Log Run : 4 ppl carry log an run the north river tail (half way)
Jog back
Frog jump up the hill

6.00 am OUT

Thursday, May 13, 2010

BootCamp: Week4 - Day4

5.00 am Warm up Jog

Hills: From the ase of the hill
3 forward sprints
5 Jumping Jacks
3 reverse sprints

1 min break break

Single file North River Run interrupted by ..
15 push Ups
1 min of Triceps on bench
15 lay down pull Ups (using guard rails)
Run down hill through parking lot
15 horizontal push Ups (Using guard rails in parking lot)
Run along the river
15 shoulder presses
15 side push ups (using triceps) x2
Run up the hill

On Mat:
50 crunches
25 frog crunches
50 bi cycle crunches
15 side crunches on each side
1 min of ab rolls (using the 10 lb medicine balls)
25 kick backs with partner


Out 6.00 am

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

BootCamp - NorthRiverRun

BootCamp -BridgeRun

BootCamp Week 4 - Day 3

5.00 am : Warm Up Jog
Stretch: Trunk twists, arm stretch, neck rounds, groin stretch, hamstring stretch, calf stretch, quad stretch 1 min rest

Run toward the south end of Mud Island Park
Non stop till the bridge
Run up the bridge and jog down slowly x2
Sprint up the bridge in pairs 1/4 ways jog back x2
Jog back to the parking lot

Done! 6.00 am

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

BootCamp Week4 - Day2

5 am: Warm Up jog
Stretch: Trunk twists, arm stretch, neck rounds, groin stretch, hamstring stretch, calf stretch, quad stretch 1 min rest

Jog toward the north end of the Mus Island Park.
10 push ups
15 star Jumps
Jog down to the river
4 -Sprints in pairs
Jog back to the parking lot via river walk
50 sit ups
15 Superman's
Jog to the bottom of the Parking lot
Sprint up the hills x 4
go home @ 6.00 am

Monday, May 10, 2010

BootCamp: Week4 -Day 1

Rained out!
5.00am @ River Set Gym


Circuit exercises (2 mins each):

Wide Arm Push Ups
Sit Ups
Star Jumps
Short Arm Push Ups
BiCycle Runs
Quad burner
Leg/Glute burner
Ab exercise
Arm circles
5 lb weight - forward
5 lb weight - sidewards
5 lb weight - Triceps stretch

Stretch - Go home 6.00am