Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Proposed LongRun-10/13/2010

Friday, October 01, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

BootCamp: Lower Body Exercises

5.30 am
Warm Up run ~ 1/4 mile
Stretches: Neck roll, arm rotation, trunk twist, groin, calf, Achilles & hamstring stretch

Lower Body Plyometric Exercises:

Squat Jumps: x20

1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, trunk flexed forward slightly with back straight in a neutral position.
2. Arms should be in the ready" position with elbows flexed at approximately 90.
3. Lower body where thighs are parallel to ground and immediately explode upwards vertically and drive arms up. Do not hold a squat position before jumping up keep the time between dipping down and jumping up to a minimum.
4. Land on both feet. Rest for 1-2 seconds and repeat
Prior to takeoff extend the ankles to their maximum range (full plantar flexion) to ensure proper mechanics.

Jump up on the sidewalk with both legs(facing the river) X20

1.Stand facing box with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
2.Lower body into a semi-squat position and immediately jump up onto box. Do not hold a squat position before jumping up keep the time between dipping down and jumping up to a minimum.
3. Feet should land softly on box. Step back down (not jump back down) and repeat.

Lateral Jumps

1. Stand side on to box with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.
2. Lower body into a semi-squat position and jump up onto box. Do not hold a squat position before jumping up keep the time between dipping down and jumping up to a minimum.
3. Feet should land softly on box. Step back down (not jump back down) and repeat.

**REPEAT all 3**
Split Squat Jump x20

1. Stand with feet hip width apart. Take left leg and step back approximately 2 feet standing on the ball of back foot.
2. Feet should be positioned at a staggered stance with head and back erect and straight in a neutral position.
3. Lower body by bending at right hip and knee until thigh is parallel to floor then immediately explode vertically.
4. Switch feet in the air so that the back foot lands forward and vice versa.
Prior to takeoff extend the ankles to their maximum range (full plantar flexion) ensure proper mechanics.

Tuck Jumps x20

1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, with arms at sides.
2. Jump up bringing knees up to chest.
3. Land on balls of feet and repeat immediately.
4. Remember to reduce ground contact time by landing soft on feet and springing into air.

Lateral Hurdle Jumps x20

1. Stand beside object to be cleared.
2. Bring knees up and jump vertically but also laterally off ground and over the barrier.
3. Land on both feet and immediately jump the other direction over barrier.
4. Try not to pause between jumps or sink down into a squat position.

Other Exercises were adapted from:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Relay

Warm Up
Jog to the benches at the south end
Return jog with 20 thigh high, 20 butt kick and side run/skips

Neck Rolls
Trunk twists
Arm circles
Groin Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
Toe touch (-in legs apart position lower back and hamstring)
Quad stretch
Calf stretch
Two teams of 6 people
Walk down to the river trail -{STARTING POINT}

A. 4 man ball toss (stand at least 3 yards apart)while the remaining run up the hill to the warm up bench
When all your team members make the turn @ the bench; Both partners lie down in the sit up position, facing each other. Both partners should complete 1 sit up. When they get into the upright position, the partner using the ball should toss it towards the other partner. Immediately both partners ought to total an additional sit up. Keep repeating.
-until all finish the run (Penalty for dropped balls)
B. 10 Double downs(Everyone Count loudly):
-Push Ups
-Star Jumps
C. Frog jump over your partner up the hill and sprint back
Team Relay:
Each team divided in two will stand 200 yards apart
-Individual from each side runs to the other handing off the ball and getting back
-repeat till all members sprint up and down
------PENALTY for the team placing 2nd + dropped balls------
Hold a plank (straight bridge) for 1 min, while team#1 counts/monitors/joins

300 yard Shuttle Run:
Positions will be marked 25 yeards apart
Each team will have pairs of runners going back and fourth the cones x12

31/2 min BREAK


Indian Run:
Indian Run toward the north end parking lot (8 lb Medicine ball); by passing the ball above the head
Getting back to the starting point:
-Roll the medicine ball sprint up to it, 10 push ups
-Another teammate rolls the ball, reverse sprint up to it, 20 Crunches
-Another teammate rolls the ball, side skip toward the ball, 10 Superman's
**REPEAT until we reach the second tree on the left**
Horizontal Indian run back to the starting point (River trail across from the River Set Parking lot)
------PENALTY for the team placing 2nd--------
Stand 5 yards apart in two lines (of 3); throw medicine ball 50 times, while team#1 counts
Team #1 prepares for the cone runs

Wheel barrow run toward the north end parking lot (in pairs)
-Partners switch and change direction every 40 (hand) steps x2
Team Cone Runs (Square shape 50 yards) -2x
Half the team runs toward/leftward/backward/rightward of cones while the remaining perform lateral jumps
Run up the hill and back (4 times) throwing medicine ball to your partners
-Do not take a step with the ball in hand (could incur a penalty)

------PENALTY for the team placing 2nd--------
Side planks, hold 1 min each side; while team #1 counts/monitors/joins; helps put things away


The 40-yard dash is one of the best measurements of speed and acceleration, which is why it's a highly regarded test at the NFL combine.
How to do it: You'll need a partner and a stopwatch. Mark off 40 yards on a track or grass field. Get into a comfortable stance — a four-point sprinter's stance is typical — and instruct your timer to start the clock as soon as you move. The clock stops when any part of your chest crosses the finish line.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Suraj Relays

Suraj: The Relays
Warm Up
Jog to the benches at the south end
Return jog with 20 thigh high, 20 butt kick and side run/skips

Neck Rolls
Trunk twists
Arm circles
Groin Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
Toe touch (-in legs apart position lower back and hamstring)
Quad stretch
Calf stretch
Two teams of 6 people
Walk down to the river trail -{STARTING POINT}

4 man ball toss (stand at least 3 yards apart)while the remaining run up the hill to the warm up bench and back
-until all finish the run (Penalty for dropped balls)
6 Triple downs(Everyone Count loudly):
-Push Ups
-Sit Ups
-Star Jumps
Frog jump over your partner up the hill and sprint back
Team Relay:
Each team divided in two will stand 200 yards apart
-Individual from each side runs to the other handing off the ball and getting back
- repeat till all members sprint up and down
------PENALTY for the team placing 2nd + dropped balls------
Hold a plank (straight bridge) for 1 min, while team#1 counts/monitors/joins

Indian Run toward the north end parking lot (8 lb Medicine ball).
Getting back to the starting point:
-Roll the medicine ball sprint up to it, 10 push ups
-Another teammate rolls the ball, reverse sprint up to it, 20 Crunches
-Another teammate rolls the ball, side skip toward the ball, 10 Superman's

**REPEAT until we reach the second tree on the left**
Indian run back to the starting point (River trail across from the River Set Parking lot)
------PENALTY for the team placing 2nd--------
Stand 5 yards apart in two lines (of 3); throw medicine ball 50 times, while team#1 counts
Team #1 prepares for the cone runs

Wheel barrow run toward the north end parking lot (in pairs)
-Partners switch and change direction every 40 (hand) steps x2
Team Cone Runs (Square shape 50 yards) -2x
Half the team runs toward/leftward/backward/rightward of cones while the remaining perform lateral jumps
Run up the hill and back (4 times) throwing medicine ball to your partners
-Do not take a step with the ball in hand (could incur a penalty)

------PENALTY for the team placing 2nd--------
Side planks, hold 1 min each side; while team #1 counts/monitors/joins; helps put things away

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Suraj: The Relays

Warm Up
Jog to the benches at the south end
Return jog with 20 thigh high, 20 butt kick and side run/skips

Neck Rolls
Trunk twists
Arm circles
Groin Stretch
Hamstring Stretch
Toe touch (-in legs apart position lower back and hamstring)
Quad stretch
Calf stretch
Two teams of 6 people
Walk down to the river trail

4 man ball toss (stand at least 3 yards apart)while the remaining run up the hill to the warm up bench and back
-until all finish the run (Penalty for dropped balls)
6 Triple downs(Everyone Count loudly):
-Push Ups
-Sit Ups
-Star Jumps
Frog jump over your partner up the hill and sprint back
------PENALTY for the team placing 2nd + dropped balls------
Hold a plank (straight bridge) for 2 min, while team#1 counts/monitors/joins

Indian Run toward the north end parking lot (8 lb Medicine ball).
Getting back to the starting point:
-Roll the medicine ball sprint up to it, 8 push ups
-Another teammate rolls the ball, reverse sprint up to it, 8 shoulder presses
-Another teammate rolls the ball, bear walk toward the ball, 25 flutter licks
-Another teammate rolls the ball, side run/skip toward the ball, 8 push ups
-Another Roll the ball, side run/skip (opposite direction to above), 8 shoulder presses
-Another teammate rolls the ball, crawl toward (no touching the ground -mountain climber style) the ball, 25 flutter licks
**REPEAT until we reach the second tree on the left**
Indian run back to the starting point (River trail across from the River Set Parking lot)
------PENALTY for the team placing 2nd--------
Stand 5 yards apart in two lines (of 3); throw medicine ball 50 times, while team#1 counts
Team #1 prepares for the cone runs

Wheel barrow run toward the north end parking lot (in pairs)
-Partners switch and change direction every 50 (hand) steps x2
Team Cone Runs (Square shape)
-Line up with your fastest to slowest runner
Run up the hill and back (4 times) throwing medicine ball to your partners
-Do not take a step with the ball in hand (could incur a penalty)
-Dropped balls will also count as penalty
40 Hindu Push Ups (count loudly)
25 kick backs each

------PENALTY for the team placing 2nd--------
Side planks, hold 1 min each side; while team #1 counts/monitors/joins; helps put things away

Friday, June 04, 2010

BootCamp: Week7 - Day 4

Suraj: The Relays
Warm Up jog

Two teams of 6 people

Walk down to the river trail
4 man ball toss while the other two run up the hill and back
....all 6 finish the run
5 Triple downs:
Push Ups, Sit Ups and Star Jumps

Frog jump over your partner up the hill and sprint back

Indian Run toward the north end parking lot
Roll the medicine ball sprint up to it, 5 push ups
Every one take turns doing it for ~ 300 yards
Indian run back to the start point (River trail across from the River Set Parking lot)

Log Run toward the 2nd tree on the right (~ 500 yds)
Jog back
20 kick backs
Run up the hill and back (11/2 times) throwing ball to your partner
2 hills

Stretches ... Ying


Thursday, June 03, 2010

BootCamp: Week7 - Day3


Warm up jog -- knee up, butt kick

Jog down to river (run lane):

15 suicide runs in pairs
winners run and up and down the hill x2
losers hold the bridge pose until the partner comes back

Run toward the north end parking lot:
On grass
Bunny jump 50 yds south
Reverse mountaineer back and jog to the north end lot

~80 yds x2
~200 yds
~500 yds
@ The very North End of the run:
Hills 3x followed by
Bunny jump and bear walk for ~100 yds total ... going south
Run back to the start as fast as possible

stretch ..... Ying style


Wednesday, June 02, 2010

BootCamp: Week 7: Day 2

Monday off -Memorial Day
Vacation in Jamaica May 28 - June 1st:

No sugar, No white bread month


Jog south toward the end of the walkway
Stretch: Trunk twist, arm circles, neck rolls - 2 min personal stretch

8 sets of 20 sec exercises:

20 sec Push Ups +10 sec break x8
20 sec Squats + 10 sec break x8
20 sec Pull Ups (on the side fence) + 10 sec break x8
20 sec Triceps (on side fence) + 10 sec break x8
20 sec Sit Ups + 10 sec break x8

Sprint up jog back
Lunge Up jog back
Bunny jump up, duck walk back
Sprint Up jog back to the parking lot

Stretch and out

Thursday, May 27, 2010

BootCamp: Week 6- Day4

Leslie (Strength training)

Warm Up Jog
Squats with weight (16)
50 Sit Ups
Several tricep workouts
Ab workouts

bicep curls etc.

1.2 mile run North River Run


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

BootCamp: Week 6: Day3


Warm up Jog
Stretch ...
1 mile fast Jog
South End(Up to harbor town rd) and back to the lot
Jog toward the north End
interrupted by
20 kick backs
20 supermans
jog down the hill
3x sprints up and slow jog down

Middle of the north end parking lot
20 fence puch ups
20 sit ups
20 shoulder press
2 min arm circles
40 sit ups
15 star jumps
20 superman's
sprint up the hill to the lot

5x forward + 1x reverse + 1 duck walk

+ 2 more hills for Late Leslie


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

BootCamp: Week6 - Day2

The Billy
Warm up

UML - Upper Body, Middle and Legs

15 regular Push Ups
25 Row boat
? legs

15 Military Push ups (Elbow inside the body)
25 bicycle kicks in row boat position
25-40 Knee to palms

8 sling push ups (4 to the left , 4 to the right)
Legs 6" off the ground, extend one leg to the top and back and rotate x10
4 squat jumps to the front, 4 to the back x3

10 staggered arms push ups (one by shoulder and the other extended up by the head x2
The Monster: Lay on back, lift legs up 90 degress.
Rotate the legs together on a large circle x10

Finished off with
20 regular sit ups
20 left side sit ups
20 right side sit ups
20 toe touches
20 bent knee touches

Monday, May 24, 2010

BootCamp: Week6 -Day1


Warm Up

Run South toward the bridge.
I stop for 1 min arm roll
Run and up and over the bridge and back x2
Sprint up the bridge and jog back to the 1 mil point on the south end
Fart Runs all the way back

~3 miles of humid fun!


Friday, May 21, 2010

BootCamp: Week5 -Day5

Friday morning optional Run

Jog to the North End, stretch/rest
Jog to the south end parking lot and back
Jog back to the meet-up parking lot

1 hill run: River trail to the the top

OUT 6.10am

TOTALED: 4.3 miles

Thursday, May 20, 2010

BootCamp: Week5- Day4

The TJ
Warm Up Jog

Jog south with interruptions (1x hill run for all)
15 Push Ups
30/50 bench-triceps sit ups
Arm circles ~90sec
25 sit ups
Turn around (~ 0.5 miles out)
25 Kick Backs
back to the Parking Lot

Jog to the river trail
20 Super mans
1 min Bridge
25 side crunches (in side bridge style) x2
50 bi cycle sit ups

Bottom of the hill
6x up and down start at 50 % and the rest at full steam
Final run form the P.lot

Sprint down to the river trail and back



Wednesday, May 19, 2010

BootCamp: Week 5 -Day3

The Cristina

Warm Up Run

Jog toward the North End
Interrupted by:
25 Bench Push Ups
25 fromg push up's
25 Superman's
40 bench/stair jumps
jog to the end

6x Sprint up the hill and jog down

1 min of Pull Ups on the side bars
50 bicycle sit ups
jog to the end
100 curbside stand up's on each side

jog 1 mile loop toward south

stretch (Ying)

OUT 6.00am

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

BootCamp: Week5- Day2

The Billy
Warm Up Run

50 Jumping Jacks
25 sit ups
15 Push Ups

50 Jab Punch
25 toe touch (ab exercise)
25 Rowing (frog?)

~50 Wheel Jumps
15 wider arm push Ups
25 Bicycle sit Ups

~ 50 Jumps (thigh hit the extended hand-waist high) a.k.a KUSH
10 Diamond to the heart Push Ups
25 Sit Ups (?)

Jog to the warm Up spot turn around to the North End and back


Monday, May 17, 2010

BootCamp: Week 5-Day 5


Warm Up Run, Stretches:

Push Ups: 26

Sit Ups: 51

2 mile Run: 16.45

Weigh In:

Friday, May 14, 2010

BootCamp: Week4 - Day5

Friday Relays:
5am warm up jog

2 teams of 4

From the river tail run up the hill x2
Toss the medicine ball x30 between the foursome
5 Triple downs:
5 Push ups, 5Star Jumps, 5 Sit Ups
4 PU, 4 SJ, 4 SU
Frog Jump Up the hill to the lot

Indian Run up to half point of the North River Run
Medicine ball throw and run + 5 Push Ups

To the River Trail
Log Run : 4 ppl carry log an run the north river tail (half way)
Jog back
Frog jump up the hill

6.00 am OUT

Thursday, May 13, 2010

BootCamp: Week4 - Day4

5.00 am Warm up Jog

Hills: From the ase of the hill
3 forward sprints
5 Jumping Jacks
3 reverse sprints

1 min break break

Single file North River Run interrupted by ..
15 push Ups
1 min of Triceps on bench
15 lay down pull Ups (using guard rails)
Run down hill through parking lot
15 horizontal push Ups (Using guard rails in parking lot)
Run along the river
15 shoulder presses
15 side push ups (using triceps) x2
Run up the hill

On Mat:
50 crunches
25 frog crunches
50 bi cycle crunches
15 side crunches on each side
1 min of ab rolls (using the 10 lb medicine balls)
25 kick backs with partner


Out 6.00 am

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

BootCamp - NorthRiverRun

BootCamp -BridgeRun

BootCamp Week 4 - Day 3

5.00 am : Warm Up Jog
Stretch: Trunk twists, arm stretch, neck rounds, groin stretch, hamstring stretch, calf stretch, quad stretch 1 min rest

Run toward the south end of Mud Island Park
Non stop till the bridge
Run up the bridge and jog down slowly x2
Sprint up the bridge in pairs 1/4 ways jog back x2
Jog back to the parking lot

Done! 6.00 am

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

BootCamp Week4 - Day2

5 am: Warm Up jog
Stretch: Trunk twists, arm stretch, neck rounds, groin stretch, hamstring stretch, calf stretch, quad stretch 1 min rest

Jog toward the north end of the Mus Island Park.
10 push ups
15 star Jumps
Jog down to the river
4 -Sprints in pairs
Jog back to the parking lot via river walk
50 sit ups
15 Superman's
Jog to the bottom of the Parking lot
Sprint up the hills x 4
go home @ 6.00 am

Monday, May 10, 2010

BootCamp: Week4 -Day 1

Rained out!
5.00am @ River Set Gym


Circuit exercises (2 mins each):

Wide Arm Push Ups
Sit Ups
Star Jumps
Short Arm Push Ups
BiCycle Runs
Quad burner
Leg/Glute burner
Ab exercise
Arm circles
5 lb weight - forward
5 lb weight - sidewards
5 lb weight - Triceps stretch

Stretch - Go home 6.00am

Friday, May 07, 2010

BootCamp: Week 3 - Day5

Mike out of Town for Chelsae's interview @ ATL

Thursday, May 06, 2010

BootCamp Week3 - Day4

5am: Warm Up Jog
Trunk Twists
Neck Turns
Groin stretch
Groin Stretch left and right
Quad stretch left and right
...1 min break

1 mile timed run for all:
Parking lot to the north end of the river and back

1 min break

Jog in line (2)

1/4 mile Jog: 20 push ups
1/4 mile Jog: 20 Superman's
1/4 mile Jog: 15 star Jumps
Run down to the river: Sprints and exercise
Sprint ~100 yards: 15 Push Ups
Sprint ~100 yards: 25 Sit Ups
Sprint ~100 yards: 20 Superman's
Sprint ~100 yards: 15 Shoulder Press
Sprint ~100 yards back wards: 10 Push Ups
Sprint ~100 yards: 25 bicycle Sit Ups
Squat thrust ~100 yards: 25 side bridges left: 25 side bridges right
Sprint ~100 yards: 15 mountain climbers
Jog to the bottom of the hill:
6 runs up the hill 100% (jog down)

Calf stretch
Stretches and OUT! 6am

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

BootCamp Week3 - Day 3

5.00 am Warm up run
Today was all abs, shoulders, biceps and triceps
Warm Up stretches ..1 min break

Ab Crunches ~ 30
Left bridge ~ 1 min
Right Bridge ~ 1 min
Bridge ~ 1 min
50 bi cycle crunche

Kick Backs (with partner)
1 min (~20)
45 sec (~15)
30 sec (~10)

SITUPS with partner(as many as you can)
45 sec
30 min

Bicep Curls ~ 30
Shoulder Press ~25
Triceps curl ~ 15 (25?)

15 push ups
20 Superman's
50 bicycle sit ups
Warm down dumbbells ~20
Warm down Shoulder press ~ 20
Stretches .... DONE! 6.03am

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

BootCamp: Week3 -Day2

5 am: Warm up jog followed stretches (to count of 20)

  • Trunk twists
  • neck rolls
  • triceps stretch
  • Groin stretch
  • Hamstring stretch
  • Quad stretch (left and right - standing up)

Running + exercise:
Jog toward to the North down the river slope interrupted by
  • 15 push ups
    Run down the hill up to the river, back up and
  • 15 push ups
    Run ... interrupted by:
  • 25 bicycle sit ups
    Run down the hill up to the river, back up and
  • 25 bicycle sit ups
    Sprint up from the end of the trail 9catch breath -20 secs)
    Run toward the parking lot interrupted by
  • 25 side bridges (either side)
    Run down the hill up to the river, back up and
  • 15 push ups
    Run ...interrupted by
  • 20 kick backs
    Run down the hill up to the river, back up and
  • 10 kick backs
    Sprint to the parking lot ... water break

    Jog toward the bridge just past Island Place
  • Arm rolls for 2 mins!
    Run down the hill up to the river, back up and
  • 25 bicycle Sit ups
    Run ...interrupted by
  • 10 sit ups
    Run down the hill up to the river, back up and
  • 10 sit ups
    Sprint to the river and the first two back get to stay up while the rest run it out

Break .... 1 min water and catch breath
Stretchs (20 count):

  • Triceps stretch
  • Quad stretch
  • Groin stretch
  • Hamstring stretch

OUT! 6.05am

Monday, May 03, 2010

BootCamp :Week3 -Day1

  • Today we ran from the parking lot to the base of the bridge. The jog wa interrupted with 20 pushup's and 10 star jumps.
  • Once at the base of the bridge we were asked (in pairs) to run up 90% speed go down, 75% speed and come back up and down
    REPEAT! (I was able to run on the bridge all two attempts; something I could not do last time were here!)
  • Then we followed it up with a slow jog to the beginning of the footpath (from of Tugs) and back to the parking lot
  • I was asked to run down to the river and back up twice during this part. I had to walk a few times to make to back to the lot

  • Once back we were asked to sprint to the river and back up the hill ... and the first two would be exempt from doing it again ....

It was probably a total of 3 miles altogether. Cristina said something about breathing during running and turns out it is an extremely essential factor for running

Friday, April 30, 2010

BootCamp-Week2 -Day5

Last Day of Week 2: We are off to the relay's! 3 teams of four were chosen:
  • From the river trail run up the hill and back in pairs while the rest of the group toss the medicine ball -SWAP
  • 1- tripple downs followed this: Push Ups, Sit ups and Star Jumps
  • Bunny hop over your partners back up the hill and back to the river trail

  • Indian run starting from river trail around a tree about a 1000 meters away (7lb medicine ball)
  • 50 medicine ball toss (in square formation) between 4 members of the team followed by 20 superman's
  • Indian run up the hill and back

Thursday, April 15, 2010